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Ukrie book
You, Me, and Ukraine: Fight For Freedom

Coming soon....

Dynamic Leadership Ecosystem

This is a toolkit for leaders to deliver results during chaotic, challenging, and changing times. Today we face the most dauting challenge of our lives, a pandemic. Leadership is not about case counts and deaths, but about the cost of losing human touch, physically holding a hand, and the ability to be with those we love and care about when most needed. During such trying times leaders must be able to touch the hearts and lives of their staff in ways never before considered.


Footprints are a series of personal experiences, family stories, events I have had the great fortune to experience, and the people I have met. Our values, beliefs, and the resulting actions are rooted in our experiences, the many people we meet, and told in a first person narrative. Three Christmases is the first published short story in the journey of life, Footprints. Footprints are about laughter and tears and all the things that we experience as we move through life. Far from being perfect, I have had a blessed and charmed life, and the greatest of fortunes to have touched and been touched by so many fascinating people and experiences. Having been surrounded by so many positive thinkers I share Footprints as a resource to others to learn from mistakes made and from the insights and action of others who have added richness to my life.

american gov
You, Me, and trust in American Goverment.png
You, Me, And Trust In American Government

Wake up America. You, as citizens, are equally accountable and responsible for the mess we are in.

In this book, Mr. Faris examines elements beyond the bureaucracy and political parties driving mistrust. The book looks at options to address many of today's issues. How we, the citizens, have unwittingly allowed ourselves to be duped and what it is going to take to return to a ‘government of the people, by the people, and for the people.’ We need and deserve leadership we can trust. We need leaders who will defend our democracy and way of life.

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