Official Website of 3x Best Selling Author

My Story
I was born in California and raised on the banks of the Rheine River in Bad Godesberg, West Germany during the Cold War. My early career after I returned to the USA was clerical and labor in nature covering such industries as media, retail, instant printing, and a host of other tenures. In 1980 I started with a regulated, investor - owned utility in Denver, Colorado. Under the tutelage of some incredible leaders, I finished my BSBA and entered the ranks of management of a Fortune 500 company.
After these formative leadership years, I spent 3 1/2 - years in technology, including an offer in 1995 by Microsoft for a content provider contract for the soon to be opened msn. com. The next career move was the healthcare industry on the administrative side. Over the next 23 years I developed the dynamic leadership ecosystem and implemented successfully on four occasions with incredible financial and people results.
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